Kara Girard
Operations Coordinator
e-mail: KGirard@anbservices.org
Likes: working out on my peloton, cooking is my passion, and being with my three daughters.
“Self love and care is not selfish, it’s necessary. No matter size or shape, everyone deserves love and love deserves you.”
Ashley Ford
Volunteer Outreach Coordinator
e-mail: aford@anbservices.org
Likes: Cooking, spending time with family, taking care of animals (especially her French Bulldogs), and traveling
“If you genuinely want somethin, don’t wait for it - teach yourself to be impatient.” - Gurbaksh Chahal
Austin Sweet
Program Coordinator
e-mail: asweet@anbservices.org
Likes: Creating music, hiking/backpacking, and playing Hot Wheels with his son!
“Every challenge is an opportunity in disguise, waiting for a spark of creativity to unveil its true potential.” - unknown
Kelly Solares
Career Specialist
e-mail: ksolares@anbservices.org
Likes: Spending time with his family, doing Jiu Jitsu, and having a burger every Saturday as a cheat meal.
“The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.” – Bertrand Russell
Raeann Murray
Career Specialist Supervisor
e-mail: rmurray@anbservices.org
Likes: reading, traveling, creating things, and hanging out with family and friends!
“ In a world full of kind people, if you can’t find one be one!”- - Nishan Pinwar
Derek Flint
Career Specialist Supervisor
e-mail: dflint@anbservices.org
Likes: Cooking, listening to music, and taking care of his family
“Put good out in the world in order to get good sent back”